
What does AFB stand for?

What does AFB stand for? AFB stands for Army Fort Bragg. Advertisement: This definition appears somewhat frequently. See other definitions of AFB. Other Resources: Acronym Finder has 50 verified definitions for AFB. Tweet. Link/Page Citation Abbreviation Database Surfer ...

How long does AFB culture take?

These tests are not diagnostic, but they can provide a presumptive diagnosis, which can aid in the decision of whether to begin treatment before culture results are available. Results of an AFB smear (and NAAT) are typically available several hours after a sample is collected, while an AFB culture typically takes days to weeks.

What does AFB test for?

• Typically, the acid fast bacilli (AFB) testing is done to check for the presence of the mycobacterium tuberculosis which causes tuberculosis. The AFB Smear test also detects other types of infection causing mycobacteria which are much less common in comparison to mycobacterium tuberculosis.

What is AFB culture?

AFB Culture. An acid-fast bacteria (AFB) culture is done to find out if you have tuberculosis (TB) or another mycobacterial infection. Besides TB, the other main mycobacterial infections are leprosy and a TB-like disease that affects people with HIV/AIDS. Acid-Fast Bacilli Smear with Culture Sensitivity is meant to detect, grow, isolate ...

